Hotel and Resort Property Evaluations
Existing Facility Analysis
This service analyzes the existing facility through a review of current drawings/documentation and an on-site walk-through observation. Interviews are conducted with current employees and facility users to assess current physical issues. The written review ratesand identifies areas in need of improvement, and provides an estimated budget range for such improvements.
Brand Compliance Analysis
In order to keep a franchise affiliation or re-flag to a new affiliation, specific brand requirements need to be met. Current brand criteria are evaluated against existing conditions, and recommendations are made to upgrade the facility in alignment with brand requirements. This service includes meeting and coordinating with the corporate brand decision makers in order to conform to the latest rand thinking and brand positioning.
Renovation Scope Preparation and Analysis
We will provide recommendations to the owner regarding physical changes to the property. This analysis will define the scope of the renovation. This service creates a project program that is in alignment with the desired economic model of the owner while conforming to current brand requirements.
Highest and Best Use
We look at underutilized areas of existing property and suggest options for better usage of space. This analysis starts with assessing the functional layout, design and aesthetics of a subject property and then we suggest creating a profit center, enhancing an existing profit center, adding market driven characteristics that increase perceived value of the space.
The individual analysis above is a written report. Fees are calculated on a per-project stipulated sum basis and depend upon the existing conditions of the facility, the complexity of the renovations, brand affiliation, site characteristics and client instructions.
Note: PD&A follows through with continuation of all studies implementing the renovation processes through our design firm and utilizing a team of industry experts and consultants.